The Open Location Proof (OLP) protocol combines zero-knowledge proofs with decentralized verification for secure, private, and non-repudiable location certificates.
A revolutionary approach to location verification using advanced cryptography
Generate cryptographic proof of location without revealing exact coordinates using Bulletproofs and Pedersen commitments.
LocationProof = ZKP(location, radius)
Decentralized network validates proof through BLS signature aggregation and threshold signatures.
Verification = Threshold(WitnessSignatures)
Generate tamper-proof certificate using Merkle trees and aggregate signatures.
Certificate = MerkleProof(AggregateSignature)
Advanced cryptographic foundations ensuring privacy and security
Security Level: 256-bit
Post-Quantum Ready: Yes
{ "security": { "zkp_bits": 256, "min_witnesses": 3, "consensus_threshold": "2/3", "max_verification_time": "2s" }, "privacy": { "location_precision": "100m", "witness_anonymity": true, "data_retention": "none" } }
Proof Generation
Verification Time
Proof Size
Network Overhead
Available in the research paper
Simple API for developers, powerful privacy for users
// Install the package npm install @olp/client // Initialize client const olp = require('@olp/client'); const client = new olp.Client({ witnessCount: 3, privacyLevel: 'high' }); // Generate location proof const proof = await client.generateProof({ location: coordinates, radius: 100 // meters }); // Verify proof const isValid = await olp.verify(proof);
Just a few lines of code to add privacy-preserving location verification to your app.
Zero-knowledge proofs and encryption handled automatically.
Instant proof generation and verification through our witness network.
"Open Location Proof (OLP): A Privacy-Aware Protocol for Non-Repudiable Location and Presence Verification"
Join the future of private location verification